Children of Child Care Center, Church and School employees in good standing receive priority into the Center. Followed by siblings of currently enrolled children. Followed by families registered in St. Aloysius Parish who are active in the practice of their faith by their Stewardship through Prayer, Offering and Ministry.
Stewardship through Prayer includes regular participation in the faith life of St. Aloysius Church through prayer and worship.
Stewardship through Offering includes identified contributions made in a regular, consistent manner according to financial ability.
Stewardship through Ministry includes participation in ministry through works of service within the parish, at home or in the community.
St. Aloysius Child Care Center does not discriminate based on race, creed, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, special needs, or disabilities in the administration of Center programs.
All Year: Application submissions to director@aloysiusccc.org are accepted;
January: Deadline for applications for upcoming August;
February/March: Admissions process begins (includes classroom placement for current students);
April – Acceptance letters are emailed;
April – Registration payments are due;
June – New classroom placements and teacher assignments (subject to change) are shared with teachers and parents;
August – New children and returning children welcomed for the new year;
December - All SACCC children turning four years old by the following September 30 should apply to SAS
Eligibility & Timeline Notes
Children may be admitted based on classroom availability. In these cases, the birthdate of the child, rather than the defined stewardship criteria may take precedence
Our school year runs August through July
A small number of children are sometimes admitted mid-year based on classroom and center circumstances.
A child's assigned classroom placement is subject to change - usually mid-year, usually a very small number, and most commonly infants - based on classroom and center circumstances.